Why Skipping Breakfast is a Bad Idea


Roll out of bed and eat breakfast? Yeah, right. Many swimmers cringe at the idea of eating breakfast, especially if they’re heading to the pool for an early morning practice or meet. But breakfast is a critical component of the training and competition diet.

Why breakfast is important
In a typical day, the swimmer eats several times, in intervals of about 3 to 5 hours. Overnight, the interval is longer because sleep cycles tend to be 6 hours or more (hopefully). The result is a long period of time without nutrition, and this semi-starvation state, if left uncorrected, can have a negative impact on physical and academic performance, as well as behavior.

All-important nutrients
Breakfast offers a host of nutrients the growing swimmer needs, not only for growth and development, but also for muscle repair (protein) and replenishing energy in muscles (carbohydrate). Other nutrients, like iron and calcium, help the swimmer avoid fatigue and build bones, respectively. When swimmers skip out on breakfast, their intakes of these nutrients are lower, and they may not get enough from meals and snacks later in the day.

Skipping may mean weight gain rather than weight loss
There is a belief that skipping breakfast will result in weight loss or weight control, especially among teens. But that’s not what the research tells us. Skipping breakfast can result in too much hunger and overeating later in the day. Leaving out breakfast is also associated with poor food choices—high calorie, low nutrient foods that do little to satisfy hunger. Research has found that breakfast skippers are more likely to be overweight or obese compared to breakfast eaters.

Anything is better than nothing
Eating something in the morning is better than eating nothing at all. However, over time, the finer details do matter. Swimmers who choose donuts, sugary cereals and fatty foods may develop a strong taste preference for these foods and a nutrition habit that may be difficult to change.

Know yourself!
If solid food causes cramps or other discomfort before swimming, focus on a liquid breakfast: smoothies, an instant breakfast drink, milk or non-dairy substitute, kefir, a packaged yogurt drink, or 100% fruit juice. Liquid breakfasts will be digested faster than a solid breakfast.

If solids are tolerated, but time is short, focus on small meals that are quick to grab: hard-boiled eggs, trail mix, dry cereal, yogurt, a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts and raisins, or a muffin.

If you have the time, and jumping in the pool happens later in the day, eat a well-balanced breakfast: cereal, milk and fruit; eggs, toast and 100% fruit juice; bagel, peanut butter and milk; or yogurt, granola, nuts and berries.

Have you thought about the word breakfast? Break. Fast. Break the fast.

C’mon, figure out what works and just do it.

Jill Castle, MS, RD is a registered dietitian and child nutrition expert. She is the co-author of the upcoming book, Fearless Feeding: How to Raise Healthy Eaters from High Chair to High School (2013), and creator of Just The Right Byte, a child and family nutrition blog. She lives with her husband and four children (two swimmers!) in New Canaan, CT. Questions? Contact Jill at Jill@JillCastle.com.

Article from USASwimming.org

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!

Posted by Nick Brunelli

This was a post I had up earlier this year (January) and today I experienced the results of dehydration! Post workout cramps!! They are very painful and now I’m playing catch up which won’t help for tomorrows training session!

I am 29 years old and have been swimming for over 20 years and you would think I understood how important it was to hydrate, right? Especially since I swam under the Arizona desert sun for close to 10 years. well, I guess I didn’t. Just recently I got to actually see how important hydration really is and how off my beliefs were on whether I was hydrated or not!

We have been running hydration tests over the last year and all of us here at Swim MAC Team Elite have taken some serious thought into how we hydrate before, during, and after physical activity. We also looked at hydration at key times during the day which turned some heads after evaluating…. I am someone that drinks a lot of water throughout the day time. But I don’t do well at drinking water at dinner and when I wake in the mornings.

I have learned that I have been “severely dehydrated” going into almost all my morning workouts! As of right now 5 of my workouts a week are in the mornings….. I don’t think that’s setting me up to have a good practice week! What we have learned is drinking almost 4 glasses of water from the time you wake to the time you hit the pool is what’s need to be optimally hydrated for workout. Also drinking more water at dinner time helps make the next mornings hydration that much easier.

I have seen huge gains with the adjustments made in my water intake. After seeing “SEVERELY DEHYDRATED” on the test results throughout the year I knew I needed to make a change since I really thought I was hydrating properly. I am glad I made the adjustments. I am feeling so much better in my morning workouts and I really think it was just hydration that got me there.

I feel like many can learn from this. Take hydration to the next level and make sure you fuel your body at the right times for optimal training output!

Reprinted from Nick Brunelli’s Blog

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